Chairs of the Office on Drugs and Crime

Distinguished Delegates,
It is our utmost honour to invite you to take part in the debates of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime during this year’s StetiMUN conference.

UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. In the 2021 StetiMUN edition the delegates will take a closer look at the following topic: “Tackling the issue of criminal activity arising from sand over-extraction”. Does that seem unusual? It may. Many people do not realize how big the current problem around illegal sand extraction is, and a lot of people haven’t even heard about it! This is a real problem and it requires solutions. Abusive sand extraction has far-going consequences - sand has become the second most demanded resource on the whole Earth, and the need for getting it causes serious problems. This includes (among other things) corruption, or even inhuman exploitation of workers from least developed countries such as Nepal done by richer ones, such as the United States of America or China. It is also worth noting that the process of sand mining has a negative impact on the environment that surrounds us; for example, it damages coral reefs. This illegal black market grows at an extremely fast pace and it has many more dark secrets. Indubitably, there is a need for coming up with decisions that would mitigate or eliminate this kind of criminal action. Therefore, you will debate upon following topic:

1. Tackling the issue of criminal activity arising from sand over-extraction.

Due to the fact that our debates will be focused on mentioned questions, familiarizing yourself with them is crucial and required.

Delegates shall cooperate according to their Country's best interest keeping in mind that international cooperation is the goal of the Committee.Upon stumbling on any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us (via Facebook).We are looking forward to seeing you on StetiMUN 2021.

the Chairs of UNODC
Maja Sobolewska and Adam Ratajczak